Why Organize?

Why Organizing and Planning are Important

In the business world there are many reasons why organizing and planning are important to success. Experts agree that it is critical to master these skills if you are to advance your career and develop your leadership. Why, then, is it so hard to actually organize and plan your work responsibilities?

The very dynamics of daily business are probably the biggest deterrent to organization and planning. It s hard to stay up to date on your calendar and “to do” list when your attention is constantly being diverted to urgent, daily problems and activities. These distractions, however, are precisely why organization and planning are so important.

When The Unexpected Occurs


It is a fact of business life that the unexpected occurs on a regular basis. Perhaps an employee misses a deadline, or you need to stay home with an ill child. Sometimes the task is simply larger than you expected and you have not allowed enough time to complete it appropriately.

These are the situations where organization and planning will help you survive. When you organize your time and plan workload according to a reasonable schedule, then you can better handle the unexpected. You are monitoring that employee so you know the deadline is in jeopardy before it is missed, or you can care for your child without the stress of wondering what you were supposed to be doing that day.

Easier Delegation


Delegation is an integral part of management. The best managers are usually the best at delegating appropriately, and that means they organize and plan in advance. When you are well organized, you can quickly determine which projects are in the hands of which employees, and gauge their status toward completion. This allows you to delegate new work accordingly so that it is balanced among your team. Advance planning also makes it easier to delegate and match work to the specific talents of employees.

Balance of Work and Life


The demands of business in the modern world mean that inevitably there will be times when you need to work long hours or take work home with you at night. When long hours and taking work home become regular occurrences, though, it s time to look at your organization and planning habits more closely. Evaluate the way you allocate your time, as well as how you delegate to others. Are there ways you can work more effectively and efficiently by adjusting how your schedule activities? Ask yourself these types of questions and it is very likely you will find ways to better balance your work and your life simply by improving organization and planning.

Establish The Habit


Some people are natural organizers. They make lists, they create schedules, and they keep their files up to date and their desks neat and tidy. Others, however, are perpetually disorganized and running behind schedule. The differences between these two types of people lie partly in personality and partly in habit.

Organization and planning do not just occur on their own. They require conscious thought and action to accomplish. That s why there are so many businesses and companies that are anxious to sell you day planners, PDAs, and other accessories that are purported to make organization and planning easier.

While these supporting items may indeed make getting organized a bit easier, they still require you to establish the necessary habits to stay up to date even when business dynamics make it difficult to do so. In the end, it is worth the time and effort, though, to enjoy the many benefits of becoming better organized.

Organization and planning are key skills necessary for business success. This article discusses why they are important to your leadership development and provides concrete examples of situations where they benefit you.

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