Effective Communication

Effective communication means that you can express your thoughts and ideas clearly, both written and oral. Your speaking and writing must be thorough and concise. Your approach to your communication should be consistent and straightforward. Speak and write what you believe. Let your integrity show through. And I believe, to be an effective communicator you should always be open to sharing information with others.

  • Write clearly, concisely and accurately. Spell properly and use proper grammar
  • Speak effectively to groups. Watch your audience, connect with them, know your topic well. Practice.
  • Speak effectively to individuals. Provide timely feedback. Ask questions to engage and ensure their understanding. Watch for non verbal clues about their reaction to your communication. Define your communication as a request (an action they will agree to take on), a promise (an action you promise to take on) or information only.

Take the time to improve your business writing skills and consistently practice improving your business speaking skills.

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