Business Writing

Business Writing: Improving This Leadership Skill

Effective communication, whether it is verbal or written, is necessary for business leaders and managers to succeed. How employees communicate with each other can help projects reach completion faster, give birth to new ideas, and also help employees rely on each other. Any leader must have competency in business writing skills.

There are many different forms of correspondence in the business world. People communicate through email, memos, sales letters, sales reports, and proposals. These documents need to be written in a simple, concise language. They should make points quickly and should flow evenly throughout. This will ensure that people who read the document grasp what is being said quickly and fully understand what the document is describing. Miscommunication can occur if a document is not worded correctly.

Documents that flow evenly are structured well. This means that the document has a beginning, middle, and an end. Each paragraph should compliment the other so that the person reading gets a clear picture of what is being said.

A good example of interoffice correspondence is the memo. Memos are used to keep people in the company aware of changes, accomplishments, requests, and rules that are made within the company. Since companies have grown so much, mass communication is the only way to alert everyone of changes that are being made.

The introduction is the first step when writing a memo. The introduction paragraph should not be too long. It should tell the reader the purpose of the memo in one or two sentences. Do not site specific details until later in the memo.

The second paragraph should tell the reader additional details. This will include changes to procedures, team accomplishments, or other company news. It should be one or two paragraphs depending on what is being mentioned.

The closing paragraph should relay any additional information. For example, if the memo is about a company parking situation, the closing paragraph should mention the penalty for parking in spaces where people aren’t supposed to park their car. Additional paragraphs may be added if there are research and findings of any sort that should be mentioned. Always close the memo with a polite remark and then add your name to the document.

This is a typical company memo. The paragraphs can be switched around if the situation calls for it, but for the most part, this structure will work for most correspondence.

Choosing The Right Words

In addition to knowing how to plot a business document, choosing how to word it is the next step. Do not make the issue more complex than it has to be. Use simple language that is easy and fast to read. Business people will read many memos during the day. They usually skim through a memo picking out the important parts. There is no need to impress them with fancy wording. People will appreciate language that is easy to understand.

Writing a draft will help when trying to remember all the points that will need to be brought up in the memo. A draft will also help to establish tone. Two to three drafts will have to be written before the memo contains all the information in an easy to read format.

After finishing the draft, check the spelling, grammar, and any areas that do not seem clear. Be sure to use language that pertains to the company and try to keep the memo as short as possible.

Sometimes after completing a piece of business correspondence, it is best to leave it alone for a day to two. This way, if any points were missed, they can be added before the memo is sent.

All leaders in the business world should learn how to communicate effectively. Not only will the documents be well received, but they will help the company through solid productivity – a desire of all leadership.

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