To lead or to follow. . .

The problem with being a leader, and a good one, is that people always expect you to lead. You forget sometimes that being a follower can be just as powerful. I was humbly reminded of this just recently as I made another life decision. I have chosen to accept an offer that came unexpectedly to be a follower. Well, sort of. . .

I am a member of the leadership team – Human Resources Director. What I love about this role are many things and two stand out:

1) the organization is not for profit with a commitment to serving the Deaf and Hard of Hearing community;

2) I still get to do what I love – coaching others, assisting others grow and putting systems in place to streamline processes; and,

Yes, I have the best of both worlds – I get to lead and to follow. My life will be simpler, less stressful, yet still rewarding with the opportunity to continue to make a difference in the life of others.

I am happy, not to say I was unhappy, how about I am happier!

This is also good news for you as now I will have more time to share more, speak out more and keep this blog rolling along. I hope you will join me in this conversation about “empowering passionate leadership” which I so dearly love. I want to inspire you to lead or to follow… in the way that has meaning for you.

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