Family Leadership Program Launched

Many of you know how passionate I am about developing leaders. I am so delighted to be launching my new program that focuses on Family Leadership! Imagine creating a Family Board where you and your children discover how to:

  • Energize the family around a vision
  • Establish a structure for communication, sharing and action
  • Empower children to be accountable for money: generating, spending, saving and investing
  • Align communication for influencing positive behaviors
  • Recognize and celebrate important transitions
  • Introduce tools for financial freedom and wealth creation

This is the same process I used with my own family and we have been holding our Family Board meetings since 2002. The results I have experienced… have given our sons a strong foundation for their futures. They are independent and successful young men achieving their goals. We all gained more from our Family Boardroom experience than we imagined! Please check out my newest program by visiting